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Pink slime, the residue stain commonly found in your sink, is caused by an airborne bacterium known as Serratia Marcescens. A common misconception about the bacterium is that it is believed to be caused by mold, but that is not the case. The bacterium can be found worldwide as it grows in an environment with moisture. In this blog post we will be educating you about ways to manage the pink slime, and preventive methods to eliminate pink slime. 

What can be a few common ways to manage it? 

Although it is difficult to get rid of the abundance of bacteria in the air around you, there are several ways to manage the bacterium from growing: 

Some methods that can take you close to getting rid of it 

Although it is tough to remove altogether, the few tips below facilitate the eradication. 

We also recommend some preventive measures: 

How can you become more prone to encounter it? 

It is less likely to grow in chlorinated water, but what if the water stands long enough for the residual chlorine to dissipate. In that case, it is the optimum condition for the bacteria to leave its mark and grow. This is because chlorine is a volatile compound. 

Also, people living in humid and warmer areas are at a higher risk of this bacteria and its stains, caused due to pigmentation. If you are living in such regions, then you need to be a bit extra cautious. You can prevent growth by closing all the doors and windows during unnecessary times. It is best if you don’t keep your doors and windows open for long times, especially during the activities that can let in more moisture. If you prevent it from entering your living spaces, you have tackled it quite well. 

How can Reverse Osmosis help? 

Reverse Osmosis is a method of water purification which filters out impurities, ions, water molecules, and other contaminants from water and makes the hard water soft that cleans easily. The reverse osmosis systems work best with a water softener and make a great combination to keep pink slime at bay. The combination removes 98% of all sodium in the water. It also removes minerals like the dissolved calcium and magnesium that make the water hard and makes it tougher for the R.O. systems to remove it. The softener acts as a barrier and keeps the RO system from fouling, thereby increasing the overall lifespan of the membrane. 

Kinetico products, including RO systems and water softeners, are the best in the market and enjoy high repute among households. Our experts are here to understand all your hard water problems. We are also here to help you take care of the installation and maintenance of the systems. 

How can we help you? 

Pink slime is really a common problem which requires all sorts of correct information to get rid of. Apart from pink slime, there can be other moisture related problems in your household too, and we can recommend you the best solutions. Kinetico by Kwater also provides you with a full range of products, which can assist you in the management of water related problems. 

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